Robert Jones
                                                                                                                                     June 12, 2018
                                                   Week 4 Blog

Human Connections was truly an enriching experience. I got an opportunity to be still at night and reflect on my life here in the United States. While waking up and meeting people who are working to create their dreams come true such as a Segis and his wife Yadira. All they want is to serve people with their homemade food and teaching them about dairy products and how to make tortillas etc. This couple holds a special place in my heart because their values and just who they are very real. Every day, Segis gets up and tends to his animal as well as his crops. While Yadira prepares their home, and gets their food ready for the day.
After meeting them I could learn from them and actually build a relationship with them. I wanted to work so much harder just to make Segis and his wife smile. So, when I would take pictures and record videos for him I had a little bit more motivation. This experience was much more meaningful and impactful because I built a relationship with them versus the other vendors. Not saying that their stories weren’t impactful but I didn’t get a chance to come back on a regular basis and get to know them as humans as I did Segis and Yadira. I just felt so uplifted being with them. I learned that there are different goals and not all of them are centered around money. Some people just want to share their ranch with the world. This really opened my eyes to different meanings of success. Especially coming from the “Rat Race” that is America. I’m especially thankful to have had that experience.


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