week 2 blog post

                                                            Week 2 Blog
Arriving here at Puerto Vallarta I had many thoughts that ran through my mind. The biggest thought I had was “I wonder what person I will become after leaving Mexico.” I didn’t set any expectations honestly because I wanted to approach each day with living it to the fullest. After being here for this long I can honestly say that I am very pleased with what all that has happened thus far. I’ve been challenged in a multitude of ways and forced out of my comfort zone to grow and expand that I never imagined. Thus far I’ve built very close bonds to my colleagues some to the point where I can call them friends.
In the process of doing so I’ve met a lot of different people that I’ve learned a great deal from. I’ve been learning about different versions of success from different vendors that are here in Bucerias and the surrounding areas. I think that one area that needs to be addressed is more help from the government to get them the platform and the resources that they need to be successful. It appears they aren’t totally supported by their government when it comes to money and overall quality of life. Which is subjective because everyones quality of life is different but I would want everyone to at least have a fair shot at success and getting the right tools to chase their goals


  1. Robert, it's great that your colleagues have become your friends over the course of this experience. I'd love to see you include some photos in your blog that will make your experience come to life for your readers.


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