Robert Jones
                                                                                                                                  May 19, 2018
                                                                           Week 1
I am really looking forward to the experience of just being in another country and learning more about someone’s values and core beliefs. I’ve lived in the U.S for 22 years of my life and I’ve gotten this amazing opportunity to live in Mexico for a month. I am excited to see what new beliefs I’ll adopt and carry on into the US. In Chicago we are woven into the fabric of what we call the Rat Race. Always chasing something such as money, power, clothes, etc. Yet from what we have been told they just want what’s best for their family. They are by no means as influenced by the rat race as us Americans are which means they can be unplugged from the daily influences of media.
The biggest thing I’m looking forward to is creating bonds with those who are going to be on this trip with me. Some people I’ve already had a previous relationship and others I haven’t but I believe there is always room for improvement. The bonds that we create just by being here together will come a very long way. Not only as colleagues but as friends. All of us are very diverse and have different personalities and come from different back grounds. Yet once all of this is over we will be able to say that we shared an experience that will forever bond us to one area outside of the US.


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